Does NFL really care about player safety? More examples of the rampant hypocrisy regarding the safety of players in the National Football League. The NFL makes new rules that are meant to improve safety. The league basically eliminated the kickoff return two years ago. In 2012, the NFL started playing their Thursday night schedule in early September. The NFL Network Thursday night games used to start in late November. Of course, the NFL Network Thursday night games are relatively new, beginning in recent years. If the teams playing on Thursday night came off a bye week, meaning the teams had a nice long rest between games, then that would be fine. But the teams playing on Thursday night have played on the previous Sunday. So where's the concern for player safety? By pushing the start schedule back to September last year, that meant a lot more teams and players were subjected to playing at least one game on the short, unhealthy schedule. In olden times, the only short-week games were played on Thanksgiving Day. Two of the teams, Dallas and Detroit, played on that day every year. But only four teams, two games, were exposed to the unhealthy effect of playing on a short-rest week. But now, it's many teams exposed to the NFL's safety hypocrisy. And the NFL wants to add more games to Thursday night. The NFL wants to expose even more players to the dangers of playing when the body has not fully recovered from a Sunday game. So keep changing the rules and pretending to care while trying to make as much money as possible at the expense of player safety. * Oct 15, 2013 - "Report: League considers adding more Thursday games": * Oct 16, 2013 - "NFL is a despicable league that we should say goodbye to, but won't":,0,755455.column#axzz2htHQZhMc Will the pansy-ass sports media rail against this move toward more Thursday night games in order to protect player safety, or will the sheeple sports media continue with the safe topic of trying to get the Washington Redskins to change their nickname? The NFL had a court settlement this summer #sports - #football - #nfl - #health - #moronism