h1. JotHut Editing How-To Microblog posts which are created by typing in the small window on the home page cannot be edited. Blog posts (long form posts) can be edited. If you need to edit a blog post, click the *"EDIT"* link at the top or bottom of the page when viewing the post. To edit with the "enhanced" view, then click the small *"split"* link, which is located near the lower right hand corner of the text area box. Clicking the split link puts you into a better editing/writing area. This enhanced writing area auto-saves every 5 minutes if new content has been added (at least one key has been *pressed.*) Within the enhanced writing area, you can either write and preview in *split screen* mode or you can click the *right-facing arrows* in the navigation bar to switch to *single screen* mode. This provides a larger writing screen. When writing in single screen mode, when you click *"preview,"* the formatted page will also be shown in single screen mode. To change from previewing in single screen mode back to writing in single screen mode, click the right-facing arrows again. To get back to split screen mode, click the *left-facing arrows.* Click the arrows to play around. Nothing can be harmed. To save when you want, obviously, click *"save."* *+ONE FLAW+* that I have not fixed yet in the enhanced writing area: when my editing consists of *nothing but cutting and pasting,* the save and auto-save do not work because no keys were pressed to add content. [ #resolved *on 23oct2013* ] So to ensure all changes will be saved, hit the space bar once, (and if you want, you can delete the space) and then click "save." When moving away from the enhanced writing area, you will get a pop-up message, asking if you want to leave the page. Click "confirm" or whatever the answer is to leave the page. This confirmation pop-up will appear even after you have saved the content. This confirmation exists because over the years, I've experienced times where I accidentally moved away from a page that I was adding content to, and when I quickly moved back, all my content was gone and not saved. So I added this pop-up to my new app as a safety feature. This "confirm" pop-up does not function on Apple devices. I need to change/correct the JavaScript to enable the confirmation pop-up to work on iOS. [*23Oct2012 update:* "Looks like Apple has disabled the window.onbeforeunload event for iOS devices (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch)." - Nov 2010 Stackoverflow "post":http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4127621/is-there-any-way-to-use-window-onbeforeunload-on-mobile-safari-for-ios-devices ] #resolved Related info: * [[Junco enhanced editor views|Enhanced Writing Form Screenshots]] * [[Junco basic blog post form|Basic Writing Form Screenshot]] #jothut - #junco