Toledo Top 10 in the U.S. for Burglaries Oct 23, 2013 - WNWO - "Reports that Toledo is #3 for burglaries is inaccurate": q. That number three ranking was reportedly taken from the "FBI's Uniform Crime Reporting website.": WNWO found that, in 2012, Toledo was *actually number +eight,+* with 2,352 burglaries for every 100,000 residents. q.. Oh well, that changes everything. Number 8 versus Number 3. *It's still +Top 10+ in the United States for cities with at least 100,000 people.* It's a horrible stat. more. Now the excuses: q. The city did have some of the highest numbers for burglaries in 2011 at over 8,300. Heffernan says, "We had some tough times here. Record low number of officers, and tough economics times. That's a recipe for crime." In June, half way through 2013, burglaries were down again, significantly. Police attribute the declining numbers to better efficiency, and more officers on the street. q.. Maybe nothing of value is left to steal in Toledo. With the continual declining population, maybe fewer people exist to report mundane activities like burglaries. This Oct 20, 2013 Detroit Free Press "story": contains a graphic image of the FBI stats that show Toledo number 3. The Top 15 shows four cities from Ohio and two from Michigan. Once again, another dregs stat that is dominated by Ohio and Michigan cities. Burglaries Nationwide The number of burglaries per capita in 2012 in the nation's largest cities, according to FBI crime statistics. table{width:500px;}. |State|City|Population|Burglaries|Burg/100K pop| |Michigan|Flint|101,632|2,979|2,931| |Ohio|Cleveland|393,781|9,740|2,473| |Ohio|Toledo|286,020|6,729|2,353| |Mississippi|Jackson|175,939|4,124|2,344| |California|Vallejo|117,912|2,688|2,2 #toledo - #crime - #politics - #moronism - #blog_jr