Grills and Smokers Info from listening to the Really Big Show on "AM 850 WKNR ESPN Cleveland radio.": bq. _"If you are lookin', you ain't cookin'."_ #quote +Smokers/Grills+ * "Memphis Wood Fire Grills": - _"Fueled by 100% natural wood pellets"_ ** "Memphis Select Grill": * "The Good-One": ** "The 'Open Range'": - for home use ** "brochure": [pdf file] +Smoking brisket suggestions from a The Good-One employee+ - 8 hours - 250 degrees - "Kansas City Championship Rub": combined with "Memphis-style Rub": - wild cherry charcoal/wood - US made good three little pigs .com any cooking/smoking temp of 225 to 275 is safe. salmon smoking leave on skin apply rub 250 degrees placed directly on grill 45 minutes