IndieWeb POSSE POSSE = Publish (on your) Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere q. as of 2010-01-01[1] (2010-01-26 Twitter syndication started[2] and caught up[3][4]). Tantek Çelik implemented POSSE in Falcon on all self-hosted posts (notes, articles, etc.) are openly PuSH+Atom real-time syndicated with a PubsubHubbub hub to Google Buzz, StatusNet, etc. notes (and article titles) are snowflake copied by the personal site server to Twitter with permashortlink citation links/references (see Whistle for details) back to the original. Copies of notes to Twitter are also automatically recopied from there to Facebook. as of 2012-03-12. Barnaby Walters implemented POSSE over at as of 2012-09-25 all collections (notes, articles, activity) are PuSH-subscribable feeds. Using the Client to Server to 3rd Parties flow 06:08, 25 September 2012 (PDT) Syndicating to Twitter + Facebook as of 2012-08-19[5][6]. Aaron Parecki implemented POSSE on his site with copies posted to Twitter containing permashortlinks back to originals on his own site. as of 2012-08-19 all collections (notes, articles, replies) are PuSH-subscribable feeds. Posting UI as of 2012-09-09: q.. #indieweb - #blogging