Not Needed - Add blog reply options *July 2013 update: no longer needed for the new Junco code. At least for now. May revisit later.* # Allow author to remove links to blog post replies. This does not delete the blog reply. It just removes or hides its display from the author's blog post. *[completed in june 2013 and the idea may kept in junco for some kind of reply mech.]* # Allow a user to block another user from seeing the "reply" link. # Allow a user to hide/remove all of that user's blog reply links from all of the author's blog posts. For 2. and 3., those options would occur on the other user's profile page. * User A visits profile page for User B. * User A wants to prohibit User B from seeing the reply link on User A's blog posts. * User A also wants to hide all of User B's existing reply blog post links on all of User A's blog posts. The above scenario could be to block a troll or spammer. The troll/spammer can still create blog posts, but the discovery link will not appear on User A's blog posts. #junco #notneeded