Not Needed - Add blog reply count *july 2013 update: no longer needed for the new Junco code.* This will kind of satisfy this request: /920/Add-ability-to-inform-user-of-blog-post-replies On a user's profile page, show private info that states the number blog replies to the user's blog posts. bq. +Blog replies by others+ : 23 - past 24 hrs : 2 The link will show the title of the blog reply, author of reply, and creation date of reply and the user's blog post that received the reply. Like this but with the user's blog post title that is being replied to: /likesgiven bq. --H - Groundhog threatened with legal action by jr on Mar 23, 2013 reply to Some blog post about whatever-- The "H" link will allow the user/author to hide the reply link from the author's blog post page. The "U" link will unhide or re-display the reply link. For now, we'll also implement the hide and unhide function for reply links on each of the author's blog posts. Points 2. and 3. in this -#todo- will have to wait: /blogpost/921/02May2013/Add-blog-reply-options h2. May need new DB table Can't see how to create an sql statement easily that shows who has replied to my blog posts. In the content table, the blog reply stores in the parentid field the id number of the post being replied to. But the author of that parentid field would require another sql statement. From the content table, I could get the count of my blog replies that I created and the titles for my blog replies: bq. select id,title,parentid from content where authorid=2 and parentid>0 and type='b' and status in ('o','p'); id - autoincrement blogreplyid - int blogreplyauthorid - in blogparentid - int blogparentauthorid - int createddate - date #junco #notneeded