Backyard bird post from March 2005 This was a test post, made in the Parula app under development. The key part is the Hairy Woodpecker sighting in our backyard in March 2005. I think the first HAWO, which was a male, began visiting our suet feeder in the spring of 2004 or 2005. The male finally attracted a mate in the spring of 2007. And since then, a male and famle HAWO have been visting our suet feeder year-round. And in five of the last six summers, I've seen at least one fledgeling HAWO brought to the suet feeder by an adult. hr. *Another snow day* Snowed about an inch overnight. It has snowed most of the day now as of 5:00 p.m. Only accumulated about 2 inches if that. Temps early in the day were at or a little above freezing. Snow was coming down pretty good at mid-day. Winds are brisk, causing blowing and drifting snow. I've got the scanner on, and there have been several accidents. Hawk watching was cancelled today. Good bird activity: ~20 Juncos, Hairy Woodpecker, Cooper's Hawk swooped by at 2:45, two Pine Siskins. And the chipmunk was running around again today. My first spring sighting of the critter was yesterday. posted on 2005-03-23 at 22:15:17 UTC #birds