The old is new again in Toledo government Classic photo. If we didn't know better, this could be a meeting from 1992 and not 2013. q. Mr. Finkbeiner and Mr. Ford "recalled": that they were the co-sponsors of the city council legislation in 1992 that led to the strong mayor form of government. ... a major "change": under which Mr. Finkbeiner was the first mayor elected and Mr. Ford was the second. The two men wrote the charter amendment over several nights at the kitchen table in Mr. Finkbeiner's South Toledo home. Mr. Ford said the pair's hours of work were fueled by sugary grape juice, which eventually had to stop flowing because of Mr. Ford's Type 2 diabetes. Voters approved the strong-mayor charter change and Mr. Finkbeiner narrowly beat Mr. Ferner in 1993 to become mayor. Mr. Ford, meanwhile, won the city council presidency. q.. That's awesome. And nothing exciting happens in Toledo, eh? 20 years ago, who would have thought that Czarty would rule Toledo for 12 years and JaFo for 4 as city mayors? Kudos to the dynamic duo and the voters. And now in 2013, JaFo is back on Toledo city council, and who knows what Czarty will be in 2014? In the fall of 2005, Opal Covey "told": Toledoans: bq. "++I’m warning you, if you don’t change this government to God’s government, destruction will come, just as it did in New Orleans.”++ I don't know what God's government is, but academia could debate what's worse between Katrina aftermath and Toledo government. Obviously, one is more long-term than the other. #toledo - #politics - #moronism