Lake Erie Wind Turbine Farm Planned for 2017 Well initially, it may not be a farm. More like a small, rooftop garden. Aug 20, 2013 "story": !! q. Lake Erie wind developers say they will have the first wind turbine pilot project built by 2017. They will be similar to these offshore wind turbines in the North Sea, offshore from a village in Denmark. q.. Taxpayer-subsidized "energy" project. more. q. Big Power says wind energy is too expensive, but consumers who have a different point of view now have a way to vote on the issue - and to say *how much more they would be willing to pay extra for it.* LEEDCo, the start-up company aiming to have six American-made turbines in Lake Erie by 2017, wants to hear from consumers. The project will create about 500 temporary jobs, but is the first step toward *building hundreds, or even thousands, of turbines in the Lake.* U.S. Rep. *Marcy Kaptur,* Mayor Frank Jackson will talk about the pledge. LEEDCo president Lorry Wagner and others will give a detailed update. LEEDCo is currently funded by a $4 million U.S. Department of Energy grant and is preparing to compete for a second grant, this one more than $46 million, to complete the project. LEEDCo is the only fresh-water off-shore wind turbine project that the DOE has funded q.. h2. Energy Sketch My simple sketch from 2008 that explains our energy issue: ! 380x480! I think any combination of two of three are possible, but successfully attaining all three areas is fantasy land. #politics - #energy - #wind - #moronism - #environment - #nature - #birds - #blog_jr