h1. Textile shortcuts h3. Quick block modifiers Header: *hn.* Blockquote: *bq.* Footnote: *fnn.* Numeric list: # Bulleted list: * h3. Quick phrase modifiers _emphasis_ *strong* ??citation?? -deleted text- +inserted text+ ^superscript^ ~subscript~ %span% ++bigger++ --smaller-- @code@ h3. To apply attributes (class) (#id) {style} [language] h3. To align blocks < right > left = center <> justify h3. To indent block text p(. left ident 1em p((. left ident 2em p(((. left ident 3em p))). right ident 3em h3. To insert a table |a|table|row| |a|table|row| h3. To insert a link "linktext":url h3. To insert an image !imageurl! h3. To define an acronym ABC(Always Be Closing) h3. To reference a footnote [n] #markup - #textile - #howto