Hacker News post about current Web design trends May 22, 2013 Hacker News post https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=5749714 that pointed to a 2011 article titled "Are Current Web Design Trends Pushing Us Back to 1999?":http://sixrevisions.com/web_design/are-current-web-design-trends-pushing-us-back-to-1999/ The top rated comment in that Hacker New thread sounds like me. My emphasis added: q. I'll out myself as a luddite: I hate the modern web. I hate nearly everything about it other than the fat high-speed link I use to connect to it. I hate the animation, the video, the ever more insidious and unblock-able pop-ups. I hate that technical posts that used to be just some text I could quickly skim are now often videos I have to watch (I'm looking at you MSDN Channel 9!). I absolutely hate video. It's a terrible medium for communicating information to a person who is trying to multitask. It should be strictly reserved for porn and other entertainment. I hate Flash. I hate how Flash ads sit there and suck up my battery life. I hate Javascript that does the same. If I've just got my browser open to a page and I'm working in Emacs, Safari should be sitting at 0.0 (maybe 0.1)% CPU usage, not waking up my CPU constantly to do whatever shit it thinks it needs to do. *++Text is great.++* Civilization pretty much peaked when we figured out how to blast text from the other side of the planet to your screen in 150-200 milliseconds. It's been downhill from there. q.. #design