Feb 2014 changes to make to Kinglet * modify any necessary JSON returned by API +*Features to Add*+ +Delete Message+ * ability to delete a message sent? ** unsure about this. will not implement for now. +Approved List+ * User A requests to be added to a user B's accepted or approved list in order for User A to message User B. It would then be up to User B to make the same request of User A. One action does not automatically enable the other. * actions by User B when receiving the request: ** accept ** reject * both response types can be changed later * a user can send a request to be added to approve list only one time. * the response is returned to the requesting user * when User A messages User B, if A is not on B's accepted list, return error message with info: ** telling A to send a request to B to be added to B's approved list ** or remind A that A already requested to be added to B's approved list, and B rejected the request. Things to do to support the approved list feature: * create database table * create API commands. let's not add this under #kinglet #kinglettodo