# tags: #perl #programming code=yes use strict; use warnings; use NEXT; { package ForecastIO; use JSON::PP; use LWP::Simple; my $API_ENDPOINT = ""; my @FIELDS = qw( latitude longitude api_key api_url data timezone offset hourlysummary dailysummary minutelysummary ); foreach my $field (@FIELDS) { no strict 'refs'; *$field = sub { my $self = shift; $self->{$field} = shift if @_; return $self->{$field}; }; } my @INTERVALS = qw( daily hourly minutely ); foreach my $interval (@INTERVALS) { no strict 'refs'; *$interval = sub { my $self = shift; my $tmp_ly = $self->{data}->{$interval}->{'data'}; my @interval_arr; foreach my $i ( @$tmp_ly ) { push (@interval_arr, ForecastIOConditions->new($i)); } return @interval_arr; }; } sub new { my ($class, $api_key, $latitude, $longitude) = @_; my $self = (); $self->{latitude} = $latitude; $self->{longitude} = $longitude; $self->{api_key} = $api_key; $self->{api_url} = $API_ENDPOINT . $api_key . "/" . $latitude . "," . $longitude; bless($self, $class); return $self; } sub currently { my ($self) = @_; return ForecastIOConditions->new($self->{data}->{'currently'}); } sub alerts { my ($self) = @_; my $tmp_alerts = $self->{data}->{'alerts'}; my @alerts; foreach my $a ( @$tmp_alerts ) { push (@alerts, ForecastIOConditions->new($a)); } return @alerts; } #### download json and convert json into perl var sub fetch_data { my ($self, $dt) = @_; my $tmp_url = $self->{api_url}; $tmp_url = $self->{api_url} . "," . $dt if $dt; my $json_text = get($tmp_url); return 0 if !$json_text; $self->{data} = decode_json $json_text; # get some top-level key-value pairs $self->{timezone} = defined($self->{data}->{'timezone'}) ? $self->{data}->{'timezone'} : "undef"; $self->{offset} = defined($self->{data}->{'offset'}) ? $self->{data}->{'offset'} : "undef"; $self->{hourlysummary} = defined($self->{data}->{'hourly'}->{'summary'}) ? $self->{data}->{'hourly'}->{'summary'} : "undef"; $self->{dailysummary} = defined($self->{data}->{'daily'}->{'summary'}) ? $self->{data}->{'daily'}->{'summary'} : "undef"; $self->{minutelysummary} = defined($self->{data}->{'minutely'}->{'summary'}) ? $self->{data}->{'minutely'}->{'summary'} : "undef"; } ##### set methods #### sub DESTROY { my ($self) = @_; $self->EVERY::_destroy; } sub _destroy { my ($self) = @_; delete $self->{data}; } } { package ForecastIOConditions; # OO Getters/Setters my @FIELDS = qw( windBearing icon visibility pressure time precipType precipIntensity windSpeed precipIntensityError cloudCover summary dewPoint precipProbability ozone humidity temperature temperatureMax sunsetTime temperatureMin precipIntensityMax precipIntensityMaxTime temperatureMaxTime temperatureMinTime sunriseTime precipAccumulation ); # Put your field names here foreach my $field (@FIELDS) { no strict 'refs'; *$field = sub { my $self = shift; # no need for setter: $self->{$field} = shift if @_; if ( exists $self->{raw_data}->{$field} ) { return $self->{raw_data}->{$field}; } else { return "undef"; } }; } my @ALERTS = qw( alert_title alert_uri alert_expires alert_description ); foreach my $alert_part (@ALERTS) { no strict 'refs'; *$alert_part = sub { my $self = shift; my @a = split('_', $alert_part); return $self->{raw_data}->{$a[1]}; }; } sub new { my ($class, $raw_data) = @_; my $self = (); $self->{raw_data} = $raw_data; bless($self, $class); return $self; } } { package ForecastIOUtils; use Time::Local; # The UNIX time (that is, seconds since midnight GMT on 1 Jan 1970) sub format_date { my $epoch = shift; return $epoch if $epoch and $epoch eq "undef"; # value $epoch = time() if !$epoch; # no epoch secs passed to sub, so create current date and tim my ($sec, $min, $hr, $mday, $mon, $yr) = (gmtime($epoch))[0,1,2,3,4,5]; my $tmp_date = sprintf "%04d-%02d-%02d", 2000 + $yr-100, $mon+1, $mday; my $tmp_time = sprintf "%02d:%02d:%02d", $hr, $min, $sec; return $tmp_date . "T" . $tmp_time . "Z"; } sub is_numeric { my $str = shift; my $rc = 0; if ( $str =~ m|^[0-9]+$| ) { $rc = 1; } return $rc; } sub is_float { my $str = shift; my $rc = 0; if ( $str =~ m|^[0-9\.]+$| ) { $rc = 1; } return $rc; } # barometric pressure conversion sub millibars_to_inches { my $mb = shift; return $mb if !is_float($mb); return sprintf "%.2f", $mb * 0.0295301; } # wind direction conversion from say 180 to S (south) sub degrees_to_cardinal { my $degrees = shift; return $degrees if !is_numeric($degrees); my @cardinal_arr = qw(N NNE NE ENE E ESE SE SSE S SSW SW WSW W WNW NW NNW); my $val = int(($degrees/22.5)+.5); my $idx = $val % 16; return $cardinal_arr[$idx]; } # wind speed conversion sub meters_per_second_to_mph { my $ms = shift; return $ms if !is_numeric($ms); my $mph = $ms * 2.23694; return int($mph + $mph/abs($mph*2)); } sub round { my $number = shift; return $number if $number eq "undef"; return int($number + .5 * ($number <=> 0)); } # from api docs: # A value of 0 corresponds to clear sky, # 0.4 to scattered clouds, # 0.75 to broken cloud cover, # and 1 to completely overcast skies. # also referencing: # # then creating my own break points. sub cloud_cover_description { my $cloud_cover = shift; return $cloud_cover if !$cloud_cover or !is_float($cloud_cover); if ( $cloud_cover < .12 ) { return "clear"; } elsif ( $cloud_cover >= .12 and $cloud_cover < .3 ) { return "mostly clear"; } elsif ( $cloud_cover >= .3 and $cloud_cover < .625 ) { return "partly cloudy"; } elsif ( $cloud_cover >= .625 and $cloud_cover <= .875 ) { return "mostly cloudy"; } elsif ( $cloud_cover > .875 ) { return "cloudy"; } return $cloud_cover; } # # precipIntensity: A numerical value representing the average expected intensity # (in inches of liquid water per hour) of precipitation occurring at the given # time conditional on probability (that is, assuming any precipitation occurs at all). # A very rough guide is that a value of 0 corresponds to no precipitation, # 0.002 corresponds to very light precipitation, # 0.017 corresponds to light precipitation, # 0.1 corresponds to moderate precipitation, # and 0.4 corresponds to very heavy precipitation. sub calc_intensity { my $intensity = shift; my $str = ""; return $intensity if !$intensity; # easier to understand with whole numbers $intensity = $intensity * 1000; if ( $intensity > 0 and $intensity < 17 ) { $str = "very light"; } elsif ( $intensity >= 17 and $intensity < 50 ) { $str = "light"; } elsif ( $intensity >= 50 and $intensity < 75 ) { $str = "light to moderate"; } elsif ( $intensity >= 75 and $intensity < 125 ) { $str = "moderate"; } elsif ( $intensity >= 125 and $intensity < 200 ) { $str = "moderate to heavy"; } elsif ( $intensity >= 200 and $intensity < 299 ) { $str = "heavy"; } elsif ( $intensity >= 300 and $intensity < 400 ) { $str = "heavy to very heavy"; } elsif ( $intensity >= 400 ) { $str = "very heavy"; } return $str; } sub calc_intensity_color { my $intensity = shift; my $str = "#000000;"; return $str if !$intensity; # easier to understand with whole numbers $intensity = $intensity * 1000; if ( $intensity > 0 and $intensity < 17 ) { $str = "#c0c0c0;"; # very light } elsif ( $intensity >= 17 and $intensity < 50 ) { $str = "#888888;"; # light } elsif ( $intensity >= 50 and $intensity < 75 ) { $str = "#006600;"; # light to moderate } elsif ( $intensity >= 75 and $intensity < 125 ) { $str = "#cccc00;"; # moderate - dark green-yellow } elsif ( $intensity >= 125 and $intensity < 200 ) { $str = "#cc6600;"; # moderate to heavy - dark orange } elsif ( $intensity >= 200 and $intensity < 299 ) { $str = "#cc0000;"; # heavy - dark red } elsif ( $intensity >= 300 and $intensity < 400 ) { $str = "#990066;"; # heavy to very heavy - dark purple } elsif ( $intensity >= 400 ) { $str = "#000099;"; # very heavy - dark blue } return $str; } } 1;