Clare, Michigan Irish Festival my TT comment: I don't understand ... bq. *1.* _"I'm surprised their isnt a movement to observe St. Patty's Day on the second Friday or Saturday of March. There would be far more money to be made and I find it a helluva lot more fun when it falls on a weekend."_ bq. *2.* _"I am just not interested in standing jammed in there elbows to aholes just to sip on some beer."_ Doesn't point #2 eliminate #1? On multiple occasions, I've attended the Clare, Michigan "Irish Festival,": which is a weekend event, held close to St. Patrick's Day. And at this event, we've always stayed Friday and Saturday nights at the "Doherty Hotel,": located in downtown Clare. The hotel is basically ground zero for the festivities. But don't attend this fun event if you don't like elbows. If you plan to attend, call now to reserve a hotel room for next year.