h1. Spring Songbird Migration Summary Spring songbird migration information for Magee Marsh Wildlife Area was developed by research conducted by the Black Swamp Bird Observatory. more. h2. Early Migrants - Overflight Species Generally last week of April to first part of May. * Dominant: ** Yellow-rumped Warbler (male) ** White-throated Sparrow (male) ** Hermit Thrush ** Ruby-crowned Kinglet (male) * Subdominants: ** Song Sparrow ** Nashville Warbler (male) ** Western Palm Warbler (male) ** Swamp Sparrow ** Black-and-white Warbler ** Black-throated Green Warbler * Overflight species: ** Worm-eating Warbler ** Hooded Warbler ** Louisiana Waterthrush Warbler ** Kentucky Warbler ** Yellow-throated Warbler ** Prairie Warbler h2. Mid Migrants - High Species Variation Generally first two weeks of May. * Dominants: ** Yellow-rumped Warbler (female) ** Swainson's Thrush ** Ruby-crowned Kinglet (female) ** Magnolia Warbler (male) ** White-throated Sparrow (female) ** Blue-jay * Subdominants: ** Lincoln Sparrow ** Chestnut-sided Warbler ** Tennessee Warbler ** Common Yellowthroat Warbler ** Veery ** Nashville Warbler (female) ** Black-and-white Warbler ** Yellow Warbler * Others: ** Orioles ** Tanagers ** Grosbeaks h2. Late Migrants - High Numbers Migrating _++Generally last week of May.++_ * Dominants: ** Magnolia Warbler (female) ** Indigo Bunting ** Cedar Waxwing ** American Redstart ** Empidonax Flycatchers ** Red-eyed Vireo * Subdominants: ** Wilson's Warbler ** Mourning Warbler ** Warbling Vireo ** Canada Warbler ** Bay-breasted Warbler ** Ruby-throated Hummingbird h2. Weather Watch the low pressure cells during the spring. If they stay east bound from Oklahoma/Arkansas, look for some really good movements of birds. If they climb into the Great Lakes, there will be movements, but the volume won't be what one might expect. #environment - #nature - #birds - #blog_jr