Designing sites for readers and writers * "Content as Medium": * [[GitHub system for writers]] * "Words": - _"But the most powerful tool on the web is still words. At its heart, web design should be about words."_ * "Reminder: Design is still about words": * "The honest web design": * "4 Reasons I Use Large Type": * "Are Current Web Design Trends Pushing Us Back to 1999? ": ** "Hacker News thread": * "Readability": * "The Making of Medium": * "Favorite website": * "I like blogging software": * "A Reader-First Internet": * "Subcompact Publishing": * "Lazy Eyes - How we read online": * Posts by "Matt Gemmell": ** "Designing blogs for readers": *** "Hacker News thread": ** "Comments Off": ** "Comments Still Off": ** "Comments Commentary": * new blogging networks: ** ** * Planned new personal blogging/publishing platform: * "Responsive Typography: The Basics": * blog design: * nice blog design: #design - #blogging - #typography