Creating new blog tool based upon Junco and Kinglet #todo - #programming - #blogging I created Kinglet from Junco code. I'd like to create a smaller blogging tool based upon ideas and code from both Junco and Kinglet. App name options: * Modo * Veery * Tanager * Scaup * Grebe h2. Features * Development and Design: ** API first development like Kinglet. ** Build the server-side API code first, and then create the "client" code that interacts with the browser. ** Responsive design ** Keep the CSS significantly simpler and smaller this time. I start out that way but end up with too much CSS. * Markup support: ** pick one of either Markdown, Multimarkdown, or Textile ** most likely it will either be Multimarkdown or Textile because of the additional features, such as tables and footnotes. ** some basic HTML commands will be supported too. ** will the special embed commands for other media types exist? ** will my long-time customized markup commands exist? ** if going for a simpler app, then some things will need to be left out of the code, otherwise, it ends up being Junco except designed with API first, which I would prefer to have, but I'd like to do this incrementally with the existing Junco code. * User Accounts: ** (signup - Signup - show_signup_form) ** (createnewuser - Signup - create_new_user) ** E-mail activation link ** (acct - Signup - activate_account) ** (login - Login - login) ** (newpassword - Password - create_new_password) ** (user - Profile - show_user) ** (settings - UserSettings - show_user_settings_form) ** (changepassword - Password - change_password) ** (customizeuser - UserSettings - customize_user) ** (savedchanges - UserSettings - show_user_changes) ** (logout - Logout - logout) ** save login * Blog Posts: ** (blogpostform - BlogAdd - show_blog_post_form) ** (addarticle - BlogAdd - add_blog_post) ** permit namespace titles? ** enforce unique titles? ** (blogpost - BlogDisplay - show_blog_post) ** (source - BlogSource - show_blog_source) ** (versions - BlogVersions - show_version_list) ** (compare - BlogCompare - compare_versions) **