h1. Using an outliner for a presentation Excerpts from an Apr 5, 2014 Scripting.com post titled "Jay uses Fargo":http://scripting.com/2014/04/05/#a1396708925 : more. q. Jay Rosen did something interesting today, he gave a "presentation":http://givinggoodadvice.smallpict.com/ that was organized and presented in "Fargo,":http://fargo.io/ not as a "presentation":http://fargo.io/docs/presentations.html but as a noteblog. I have to admit I cringed when I saw it, because I am sure we can do much better. But Jay knew what he was doing, when I talked with him, he talked like an outliner maven. BTW, here's the "video":http://new.livestream.com/accounts/527785/events/2866028 of the talk, vintage Jay -- great stuff. q.. * http://givinggoodadvice.smallpict.com * http://new.livestream.com/accounts/527785/events/2866028 * http://dev.opml.org/spec2.html * http://fargo.io/docs/whatIsFargo.html * http://fargo.io/docs/presentations.html * http://fargo.io/docs/scripting.html #blogging - #outliner - #opml - #blog_jr