tt comment apr 24, 2014 bq. _"The more people invest in schools, the higher the property values."_ We live near Elmhurst Elementary, which has been consistently rated "Excellent," and it's one of the top-performing school buildings in the Toledo public school system, yet our property values dropped significantly when the valuations were released a couple years ago. So I don't subscribe to the theory that property values increase because of good schools. It's possible that living near Elmhurst Elementary prevented our property values from dropping even more. bq. _"The 3 School Districts that ranked in the top 100 HS in Ohio (news came out today) were Sylvania, Perrysburg and Ottawa Hills-Guess which communities have the highest property values?"_ I don't understand what correlation you are trying to make. Are those property values high because the schools are routinely rated high? If so, why do those schools consistently perform so well? Do those schools perform exceptional because of high taxes? The cost to educate a student for one year in a school system "is found": at the Ohio Department of Education website. The most recent data is for FY12, which I think refers to the 2012-2013 school year. *Per Pupil All Expenditures - FY12* table{width:300px}. |Ottawa Hills Local | $13,501| |Toledo City | $12,470| |Sylvania City | $10,660| |Perrysburg Ex Vill | $8,581| As shown, the the amount of money spent per student per year does not directly relate to a school district's overall performance. For years, Perrysburg and Sylvania have spent less per student than TPS. Toledo's other school district, Washington Local, spends less than TPS, yet Washington Local rates higher. Something is amiss in Rossford. The cost to educate one student for one year was $15,589. The cost per student for other local school districts: table{width:300px}. |Maumee City| $11,232| |Washington Local | $11,225| |Oregon City | $9,874| |Springfield Local | $9,118| |Anthony Wayne Local| $8,960|