Carroll Township Algal toxins water problem - Sep 5, 2013 Sep 5, 2013 - WNWO Facebook "post": q. HEALTH WARNING: Carroll Water & Sewer Dist. says Algal toxins were found in Carroll Twp water system. They warn residents SHOULD NOT DRINK THE WATER! *Boiling water does not help.* They are switching to a new source now and are flushing the water lines. In the meantime residents should buy alternative water for pets, brushing teeth, making baby formula, etc. q.. A commenter provided this link for additional info: "Map of Carroll Township boundary.":,Carroll,+OH&gl=us&ei=CiApUunuK8WyygH5o4DwAg&ved=0CJIBELYD It includes the Magee Marsh area over to Davis Besse and just north of Oak Harbor. #health - #lakeerie - #environment - #nature