The homepage is dead May 15, 2014 - - "The homepage is dead, and the social web has won—even at the New York Times": People who used RSS readers long ago would have accessed homepages less often. But obviously, socialmedia's popularity since 2008 or so has contributed the most to users not accessing a site's homepage directly. q. Traffic to the New York Times homepage fell by half in the last two years, according to the newspaper’s internal review of its digital strategy. ++That’s not necessarily a reflection of any problems at the Times but the reality of how news is now distributed on the internet.++ Homepage traffic is declining at most news sites as readers increasingly find links to news articles from social media, email, and other sources. (This may be a self-serving argument: Quartz barely has a homepage at all, in recognition of this trend.) Overall traffic to the Times isn’t falling; it’s just coming in through the “side door” more often. q..