Swan Creek Cleanup and Boat Ride Info (my tt comment - jun 5, 2014) Last September, a friend and I cleaned up a small portion of the bank along Swan Creek by the farmers market because it was littered with trash, and invasive plants crowded the native flowers. We conducted our little operation very early on a Sunday morning, so that nobody would see us. We didn't have permission to do a river bank cleanup. We observed the mess the day before, and my friend said we should do something. It looked nice when we were done. But within a few weeks or so, the bank was littered with trash again. I guess people must think that a river bank is some kind of garbage can. br. Is the Swan Creek pontoon ride still offered? I haven't noticed the signs, during my visits to the farmers market. "Swan Creek Explorer Tour Boat Ride":http://toledotalk.com/cgi-bin/tt.pl/article/578/Swan_Creek_Explorer_Tour_Boat_Ride : q. Some pics from an August 2006 boat ride, which was a $5 pontoon boat ride up and down Swan Creek in the Warehouse District and then out into the Maumee River from the MLK bridge to the Anthony Wayne bridge and then back to the Erie Street Market. ( 40 smaller photos inside ) q.. A couple of the photos: !http://farm1.static.flickr.com/136/363968446_7e0c966cb8.jpg! !http://farm1.static.flickr.com/115/363968442_4f69b0e72d.jpg! !http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3142/2608301058_e4e30c31f2_o.jpg!