Gardening tips from my Dad about pepper plants markdown=yes 1. water and FEED regularly * "feeding" could be Miracle Gro or some other fertilizer. 1. when plant sets blossoms, spray new blossoms with a solution of: * 1 teaspoon epsom salts * dissolved in a quart of warm water * mixed in a spray bottle 1. spray the top side and the under side of the green leaves too. 1. spray every two weeks original FB message from DD after she spoke to Dad on Jun 27, 2014: q. News from your dad about our pepper plants... 1) water and FEED regularly. 2) when plant sets blossoms, spray with a solution of 1teaspoon epsom salts dissolved in a quart of warm water, mixed in a spray bottle. Spray new blossoms. 3) spray every two weeks. Mr. JL Master Gardener [S] strikes again! q.. #home - #garden - #howto