Making pizza from spent grains Jul 5, 2014 Using spent grains from our "Dark-eyed Junco Imperial Stout": that was brewed on Mar 30, 2014. On brew day, I placed some of the spent grains in two, thick, air-tight, plastic containers, and I placed the containers in the freezer on brew day. A few weeks later, I pulled one of the containers from the freezer and dried the grains over about two or three day period. The soaked grains take a while to dry. I tried placing the grains in the oven for a while, but that made them wet and hot. After the grains finally dried, I placed them into an air-tight container and placed the container in the refrigerator. On July 5, I finally decided to try using the grains in a pizza recipe. First, I ground some grains in our Vitamix. I pulverized the grains into a powder, but I used the Vitamix for under 30 seconds. Next time, grind for nearly a minute, since I found some twiggy-like aspects in the grains. So the spent grains are as powder as I would prefer. The recipe: