Organic versus non-organic foods and contamination From a handout that I picked up at the University Church in Toledo. *12 Most Contaminated so buy these ORGANIC* * Peaches * Apples * Sweet Bell Peppers* * Celery* * Nectarines * Strawberries* * Cherries * Pears * Grapes (imported) * Spinach* * Lettuce* * Potatoes* br. *12 Least Contaminated so buy as is :)* * Onions * Avocado * Sweet Corn (frozen) * Pineapples * Mango * Asparagus * Sweet Peas (Frozen) * Kiwi Fruit * Bananas * Cabbage * Broccoli * Papaya --end handout info-- All or nearly all 12 food items on the most contaminated list are grown locally, and at least six* of the items can be grown in home gardens in Toledo. Many items on the least contaminated list are not grown around here. #food - #health - #home - #garden