Grebe API markdown=yes Grebe is the name of a blogging app. This is Grebe's API description. It's currently used at . It uses REST and JSON. Each function below is preceded with `/api/v1` in the URI. So for Make Toledo, it would be ``. Example of activating a new user account: `` At the moment, I don't have SSL enabled for, and OAuth is not used. ### Users Except for activating a user account, URIs for GETs and PUTs end with the query string: `/?user_name=[user_name]&user_id=[user_id]&session_id=[session_id]` * Retrieve profile page info for user name JR. GET request. `/users/JR` * Create a new user account. POST request. `/users` Client sends JSON to the API: `{ "user_name" : "userA", "email" : "" }` * Activate user account. GET request. `/users/activate/[user_digest]` * Logout user JR. GET request. `/users/JR/logout` * Login user. Post request. `/users/login` Client sends JSON to the API: `{ "email" : "", "password" : "plaintextpwd" }` * Retrieve new password for existing account. User would not be logged in. This would be executed for someone who forgot or lost a password. POST request. `/users/password` Client sends JSON to the API: `{ "user_name" : "userA", "email" : "" }` * Change password for existing account. User must be logged-in. PUT request. `/users/password` Client sends JSON to the API: `{ "old_password" : "oldpwdtext", "new_password" : "newpwdt" }` * Update e-mail and/or profile description for the user. PUT request. `/users`