h1. Resolved - Add reading time to a post http://andytaylor.me/2013/04/07/reading-time/ q. Some of my posts now include an estimated reading time. I did this by taking the Liquid Filter, number_of_words and—based on a reading rate of 180wpm—used other Liquid filters to convert it to an approximate reading time. A reading time on very short posts seemed a bit silly. I found a clever bit of template logic on Stack Overflow that enabled me to only show it on posts that are greater than 250 words. q.. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reading_%28process%29#Reading_rate *Implemented on July 1, 2013* - used reading rate of 180 wpm. displayed number in the heading title for a blog post, the title text which is displayed on a mouse-over. also displayed at the bottom of the blog post. and displayed on the stream home page for blog posts. the count is displayed when at least 180 words exist. #junco #resolved