h1. Stainbrook takes control of Lucas County Republican Party bq. --(content from a June 2008 toledotalk.com "post":http://toledotalk.com/cgi-bin/tt.pl/article/17730 )-- A political coup. Upheaval. Jocularity. (June 2008) !http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3008/2580903415_a4f9945793.jpg! more. * May 7, 2008 - Toledo City Paper - "Behind the lines with Jon Stainbrook and his GOP Central Committee Soldiers":http://www.toledocitypaper.com/view_article.php?id=1730 * May 22, 2008 - Toledo Blade - "Case against Stainbrook thrown out of court":http://toledoblade.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080522/NEWS02/274713174 * June 2, 2008 - Toledo Blade - "Stainbrook presses to revitalize Lucas County GOP in bid for chairman":http://toledoblade.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080602/NEWS09/806020333 * June 8, 2008 - Toledo Blade - "Reichert, Stainbrook battle for control of local GOP":http://toledoblade.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080608/NEWS09/806080335 * June 13, 2008 - Toledo Blade - "The GOP choice":http://toledoblade.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080613/OPINION02/806130309 * %{background:yellow}June 14, 2008 - Swamp Bubbles - "My welcome to the meeting today and the results":http://swampbubbles.com/bubble/my-welcome-meeting-today-and-results% * June 14, 2008 - Toledo Blade - "Stainbrook elected new chairman of the Lucas County Republican Party":http://www.toledoblade.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080614/NEWS09/993481613 * June 15, 2008 - Toledo Blade - "Former GOP official's rap sheet was fair game":http://toledoblade.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080615/COLUMNIST17/806150351 * June 15, 2008 - Toledo Blade - "Reactions of GOP, Dem leaders mixed":http://toledoblade.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080615/NEWS09/806150388 * June 15, 2008 - Toledo Blade - "GOP activist Stainbrook chosen to lead Lucas County Republican Party":http://www.toledoblade.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080615/NEWS09/806150353 *June 19 update:* I have not been paying attention to the Stainbrook saga since June 15. Holy moly, it's almost as entertaining as a Stain show back in the 1990's. That's the thing about punkers. You may not like what they do, but at least it ain't boring. * June 16, 2008 - Glass City Jungle - "Stainbrook's quest to end the culture of corruption off to questionable start":http://glasscityjungle.com/wordpress/?p=3215 - ++*Over 100 Comments*++ * June 18, 2008 - Toledo Blade - "Stainbrook's charge":http://toledoblade.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080618/OPINION02/806180311 * June 18, 2008 - Swamp Bubbles - "Thoughts of an Internet terrorist trying to move on":http://swampbubbles.com/bubble/my-thoughts-after-another-day-trying-move * June 19, 2008 - Lucas County Republican party Web site : http://www.lucasgop.org is non existent. * June 23, 2008 - "Stainbrook Interview With Fred LeFebvre On 1370 WSPD Now Podcast":http://swampbubbles.com/bubble/stainbrook-interview-with-fred-lefebvre-on-1370-wspd-now-podcast h2. September 2008 * Sep 21, 2008 - Swamp Bubbles - "Launch of jonstainbrooksucks.com":http://swampbubbles.com/bubble/launch-jonstainbrooksuckscom * Sep 21, 2008 - Swamp Bubbles - "Blade's fluff job on Jon Stainbrook":http://swampbubbles.com/bubble/blade-s-fluff-job-jon-stainbrook * Sep 22, 2008 - Swamp Bubbles - "Jon Stainbrook confronts Troy Neff in lobby before Conklin & Company":http://swampbubbles.com/bubble/jon-stainbrook-confronts-troy-neff-lobby-conklin-company #lucascounty - #politics - #moronism - #blog_jr