more Yo thoughts - Aug 14, 2014 my TT comment: I use Instagram nearly every day. I like its simplicity. I use the photos as a record. And I mainly access it from the phone. I occasionally check Facebook. Read only. I don't post to Facebook. It's not my thing. But I definitely like Yo. * * * * * * Aug 12 Yo blog "post": about their new app and other changes. I like Yo because it enables websites to send notifications to phones. Here are "instructions": that allow any site with an RSS feed to send Yo notifications. You don't need to access the command line on a server. You don't need to write code. And with this week's changes, when you swipe the Yo to the right on your phone, the Yo app will display the latest post from the site's RSS feed. I use both the Yo API and the RSS method for sending notifications. You should see more Yo-based URLs popping up, such as: * yo://TOLEDOTALK * yo://TOLEDOWEATHER * yo://HEAVYRAINTOLEDO Those only make sense if you access those URLs from a smartphone with the Yo app installed. Clicking such links makes you a subscriber to those services. Every time a new post or comment is made at Toledo Talk, I receive a Yo from TOLEDOTALK. When a new alert message appears at I receive a Yo from TOLEDOWEATHER. Using the weather data from