Toledo actions for elevated toxic algae levels my aug 20, 2014 tt post bq. _"It's still a rumor, right?"_ Yes. Check the City of Toledo Facebook page when these rumors pop-up. Aug 19, 2014 City of Toledo Facebook "post": q. If you have heard rumors about a water ban, it's rumors. There has been *no indication* that microcystin levels are high in our tap water, the last test results that were in were *low enough to be considered "non-detect".* q.. br. Also, check the Lucas County Health Department Facebook page. Aug 20, 2014 LCHD Facebook "post": q. RUMOR CONTROL: There is not a ban in effect on drinking water. This is just a rumor. The last test of water that came from the City of Toledo was "non detect". We will keep you informed if anything changes in the drinking water. q.. br. Unless it's a sudden and severe spike, we will probably get a heads-up about elevated levels prior to a ban. From an Aug 17, 2014 Toledo Blade "story": q. Lisa Ward, spokesman for Mayor D. Michael Collins, said the city plans to notify the public whenever the level of microcystin exceeds 0.5 parts per billion. q.. br. A ban would probably be issued if the level reaches 1.0 parts per billion. From an Aug 16, 2014 City of Toledo Facebook "post": : q. World Health Organization has determined that water showing a level of 1.0 or above should not be consumed. q..