Info about Toledo's casino location bq. _"... in the middle of nowhere-Yes, that's Rossford."_ No, it's Toledo. The casino is "located on Toledo land,": not Rossford. br. "Hollywood Casino Toledo": _"is owned and operated by Penn National Gaming."_ "Horseshoe Casino Cleveland": is _"owned and operated by Rock Ohio Caesars, a joint venture between Caesars Entertainment and *Dan Gilbert's* Rock Gaming."_ Maybe Dan Gilbert's location preferences were different from Penn National Gaming's. Gilbert is majority owner of the Cleveland Cavaliers. He also operates Cleveland's Quicken Loans Arena, which hosts the Cavs. br. The statewide vote to change Ohio's constitution to permit casino gambling at four +predetermined+ sites occurred in November 2009. Excerpts from a November 2009 "comment": after the election: q. Below are the county results for Issue 3 [casino gambling]. The green indicates the counties where the casino issue passed. !! Interesting that the [issue] *lost in Franklin County* and in its neighboring counties. q.. br. The Columbus casino location got a statewide do-over vote in May of 2010 because Franklin County residents disliked the original location proposed for the casino. April 2010 "comment": q. Columbus's casino site location will not change unless the May 4 [2010] statewide ballot issue passes. Columbus needs people from the rest of the state to approve Columbus's new casino location. One reason why Columbus was able to get this [casino location] change issue on the May 4 ballot may be because Franklin County was the only big urban county that voted against the casino issue. I doubt the state approves of a site change ballot issue for Toledo's casino location because the issue also passed in Lucas County . Apparently, Columbus residents were adamantly opposed to its casino site location from the beginning, which is probably why the issue got defeated there. Maybe Columbus residents knew that if they defeated the statewide issue locally, they could get a second chance later. *Toledoans +approved+ the casino issue, which by default also means Toledoans +approved+ of the Toledo site location.* q.. br. "Text from the proposed casino amendment": - (pdf file) q. An Amendment to the Ohio Constitution to authorize a single casino within each of the cities of Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati, and Toledo. The tax revenue from these four casino facilities will be used to: bolster Ohio's economy; provide funding to support local communities and school districts across the state; provide job training for Ohio's workforce and law enforcement; and provide funding to support strong gaming oversight and regulation. .... *Toledo* (The casino in Toledo, Ohio will be located on approximately 44.24 acres currently known as 1968 Miami Street, located on the south side of the Maumee River and on the north side of Miami Street with Interstate Highway 75 running north to south thru the real property). ... Toledo: Being an approximate 44.24 acre area in the City of Toledo, Lucas County, Ohio, as identified by the Lucas County Auditor, as of 03/05/09, as tax parcel number 18-76138 and 18-76515. q..