h1. Markdown Wars - September 2014 Maybe this will be a new reality TV show. I'm glad that I have been writing in Textile nearly every day since 2005. My Junco and Grebe codebases allow markup writing in Textile, MultiMarkdown, and some HTML. I've created my own flavor of Markdown/MultiMarkdown by adding some formatting commands that I want. And I've added custom, Textile-like formatting commands to both apps. Old post about typing in plain-text, which has been my preferred way of typing for many years. bq. http://chronicle.com/blogs/profhacker/markdown-the-syntax-you-probably-already-know/35295 br. When I worked at the BSBO and NFO, I got frustrated with apps like Microsoft Word when I created a lightly formatted text file. I disliked the way that Word would format my writing in unexpected ways. Many times, I had no idea how additional spacing appeared between lines. The app was way overblown for most of my needs, so I would use Notepad or a simple blog tool. I prefer to create plain text that gets formatted to HTML. I'm disinterested in .docx and .pdf files. h2. September 2014 posts http://blog.codinghorror.com/standard-flavored-markdown http://spinhalf.net/omg-markdown http://standardmarkdown.com http://johnmacfarlane.net/babelmark2 https://twitter.com/marcoarment/status/507547724968128512 http://scripting.com/2014/09/04/letMarkdownBeMarkdown.html #writing - #markup - #markdown - #textile - #design