h1. Flip phones are cool again, maybe September 2014 Medium.com humorous post: https://medium.com/matter/the-coolest-girl-you-know-probably-uses-a-flip-phone-8d1151808904 Excerpts: q. If someone needs to reach her, they can call her or send a text-only SMS. If she’s around, she’ll get back to you, but sometimes, she’s just not around. For a long time, having the most expensive new phone with the most impressive technological capabilities was a status symbol: now, it seems kind of desperate. *iPhones are for people who wait in lines—in Apple lines—outside the stores for days, using their old iPhone to send excitable tweets about getting their hands on the new one.* And then there are the people who go mysteriously silent sometimes, the ones you suspect have cooler pastimes, despite (or because of) their Nokias. Shailene Woodley, perhaps unsurprisingly, is also on the record eschewing smartphone technology. *“The more you get away from all the technological buzz, the more freedom you have,”* she told The Daily Beast Of the new Apple iWatch, Alexa Chung said, “It’s kind of dorky…” Trying too hard isn’t cool, and having an iPhone 6 (let alone 6 plus) is trying too hard. q..