h1. MongoDB http://www.mongodb.org On Oct 6, 2014, I installed MongoDB on my Digital Ocean droplet. It installed a 32-bit version. https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-mongodb-on-ubuntu-12-04 Created and executed a bash script with the following: code.apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv 7F0CEB10 echo "deb http://downloads-distro.mongodb.org/repo/ubuntu-upstart dist 10gen" | tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/10gen.list apt-get -y update apt-get -y install mongodb-10gen code.. This install executed quickly and easily, as most fine things do. It installed version 2.4.11. The latest version available is 2.6.4, which was released on Aug 11, 2014. Check for running process: @$ ps aux | grep mongo@ Output looked similar to this: code.mongodb 569 0.4 6.4 627676 15936 ? Ssl 22:54 0:02 /usr/bin/mongod --config /etc/mongodb.conf code.. h2. Perl Perl driver for MongoDB http://search.cpan.org/dist/MongoDB/ https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-perl-driver On Oct 6, 2014, I executed the following command: @perl -MCPAN -e 'install MongoDB'@ That installed version MongoDB-v0.705.0.0 of the Perl driver. It took 8 to 10 minutes to install the module with all of its dependencies. It must be a big or slow module. I executed a 'hello world' script that loads the module, and the only other thing the script did was execute the print command. When loading this module, it took the script over one second to execute. http://try.mongodb.org/ http://docs.mongodb.org/v2.2/tutorial/getting-started-with-the-mongo-shell/ To launch shell, execute: @/usr/bin/mongo@ h3. MongoDB Shell Commands To display the database you are using, type: code.> db code.. br. To switch databases, issue the use command, as in the following example: code.> use code.. br. To list the available databases: code.> show dbs code.. br. To see the list of collections in the current database: code.> show collections code.. br. To see the help for methods available on the collection objects (e.g. db.), use the db..help() method: code.> db.collection.help() code.. http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/core/crud-introduction/ http://docs.mongodb.org/v2.2/tutorial/access-mongo-shell-help/#mongo-shell-help-collection https://docs.nodebb.org/en/latest/configuring/databases/mongo.html #mongodb - #datbase - #nosql