h1. Kinglet Distributed Feature - October 2014 *Update Oct 17, 2014:* I decided to back out these changes and not attempt to implement a distributed system right now. I'll save the modules below in a separate directory for future reference. Sending a request to be added to a user account that's located on a different server worked okay. And approving or rejecting the request and having the system message sent to both users also worked. But having a user message one or more users on a remote server proved tricky. I need to rethink this process. It needs to be made simpler. h2. Kinglet * lib / API / Users.pm * lib / API / ApprovedList.pm * lib / API / Lists.pm * lib / API / Messages.pm * lib / API / NewMessage.pm * lib / API / Format.pm * lib / API / Stream.pm Modify documentation and README.md to account for @/users/userauth@ command. http://jothut.com/cgi-bin/junco.pl/blogpost/33120/19Mar2014/Kinglet-User-and-Programmer-Documentation #todo - #kinglet