h1. Redemption City Church - Vision meeting notes - Sun, Nov 9, 2014 http://www.redemptioncitychurch.tv The church held its first service on Sun, Oct 26, 2014. DD attended the second service. I tagged along for the third service. Impressive beginning. On Sunday evening, November 9, the church held a meeting to discuss its vision. The meeting ran from 6:00 pm to approx 7:15 pm. I think that at least 50 people attended. The meeting included an explanation of RCC's vision, introduction of the Leadership Team, and then a Q&A period. --(I typed these notes within the IA Writer app on my iPhone, and then later, I copied the notes here. The Field Notes pocket notebook and Zebra F-301 black pen remained in my shirt pocket. The analog tech, however, is a good backup.)-- h2. Notes The meeting was held at the RCC's offices, located in Arrowhead Park. Stat: 80% of new churches fail within five years. Stat: If attendance for a new church reaches 100 people by the six-week mark, then the chance of that church succeeding increases dramatically. RCC: * simplistic service * excellence without extravagance * gospel focused * reference the writings of Paul * Jesus - humility and surrender * 'Life Groups' is a strategy. It's value is community. RCC will donate 10% of its donations received to other churches or orgs. New churches are 3 to 5 times more effective at reaching new people than evangelism. RCC's startup cost: $100,000. Before publicly launching, RCC spent approximately 10 months planning with a small group. Currently, Steven Whitlow is the only staff member. The Leadership Team consists of four others. Redemption Church will eventually offer communion once a month. Steven worked at Cedar Creek for eight years. He had no plans to create a less-funded version of Cedar Creek. His goal was to create a different church. RCC: serve, donate, and collaborate locally. Internationally: some church money will be donated to international organizations, but at the moment, RC has no plans for mission trips. RCC's startup funding came from individuals. More than 50% came from RCC people, and 40% came from people not affiliated with RC, but they wanted to see the church begin. So I think this means that RCC does not owe anyone money. RCC uses space at The Pinnacle. No plans now for RCC to obtain its own property and building. The Pinnacle is cost effective and spacious enough. RCC By-laws: only spend 35% on payroll. RCC will go slow with hiring new staff. Before hiring a new person, the church would like to make budget for three consecutive months, minus the payroll that they would use for the new hire. RC budget %: * 10 city fund * 35 payroll * 20 Ministry and operations * 35 building Adopted from church or program called Ark or Arc. RC involvement: - Kids - Hospitality - setup teardown greeters #religion - #activism - #toledo