# My sites markdown=yes [My Web Apps as of March 2016](http://jothut.com/cgi-bin/junco.pl/blogpost/55770/24Mar2016/My-Web-Apps-as-of-March-2016) ### My Top-level Domain Name Sites * http://toledotalk.com * http://toledoweather.info * http://jothut.com * http://soupmode.com * http://maketoledo.com * http://birdbrainsbrewing.com * http://toledowinter.com * http://babyutoledo.com ### Test sites * http://junco.soupmode.com * http://kinglet.soupmode.com * http://grebe.soupmode.com * http://nodejs.soupmode.com * http://testcode.soupmode.com * http://scaup.soupmode.com * http://veeryclientperl.soupmode.com * http://veeryclientnodejs.soupmode.com ** both veery clients access the api code at http://veeryapiperl.soupmode.com * http://article.soupmode.com * http://wren.soupmode.com Tested the Ghost blog tool at: http://ghost.soupmode.com ### Usage sites * http://waxwing.soupmode.com * http://crochet.soupmode.com * http://dad.soupmode.com ### My Source Code * "Junco":https://github.com/jrsawvel/Junco - used at JotHut.com * "Kinglet":https://github.com/jrsawvel/Kinglet - used at Soupmode.com * "Grebe":https://github.com/jrsawvel/Grebe - used at MakeToledo.com, BirdBrainsBrewing.com, ToledoWinter.com, and BabyUToledo.com * "Grebe-Client-NodeJS":https://github.com/jrsawvel/Grebe-Client-NodeJS - Node.JS "client" code that consumes the "Grebe API.":https://github.com/jrsawvel/Grebe/blob/master/docs/api.md * "Waxwing":https://github.com/jrsawvel/Waxwing - client-side javascript image resizer and uploader to a stream view. waxwing.soupmode.com * "Scaup":https://github.com/jrsawvel/Scaup - web publishing tool that uses CouchDB and Elasticsearch. used at scaup.soupmode.com and crochet.soupmode.com. * *Veery* - another web publishing tool that uses CouchDB and Elasticsearch, but the app is divided into client and API codebases. ** "Veery-API-Perl":https://github.com/jrsawvel/Veery-API-Perl ** "Veery-Client-Perl":https://github.com/jrsawvel/Veery-Client-Perl ** Veery-Client-NodeJS * "TT-Chat":https://github.com/jrsawvel/TT-Chat - simple, AJAX-based chat or live-blogging tool. Similar code is used as part of the "check-in" feature within the Junco app. * "ToledoWX":https://github.com/jrsawvel/ToledoWX - web-based weather app for the Toledo area. used at toledoweather.info. * "Perl-ForecastIO":https://github.com/jrsawvel/Perl-ForecastIO - This Perl module processes weather data, provided in JSON format by forecast.io. * "Yo-Perl":https://github.com/jrsawvel/Yo-Perl - Perl module that provides access to the Yo API. ** "ForecastIO-Plus-Yo":https://github.com/jrsawvel/ForecastIO-Plus-Yo * "Article design ideas":https://github.com/jrsawvel/Article-Designs - how I prefer content pages be displayed * "Article Preview":https://github.com/jrsawvel/Article-Preview - simple way to test out my article design thoughts. * "Wren":https://github.com/jrsawvel/Wren - creating simple, fast-loading blog posts. This is a result of my article design ideas and Article Preview.