h1. Snarky, tear-down content

* http://www.wired.com/2014/12/life-and-death-of-the-racket/
* http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/12/14/the-gospel-according-to-nick-denton-what-next-for-the-gawker-founder.html

It's a common writing style because it's easy to do, and many people enjoy it because it makes them feel good when they read about others getting verbally torn down. 

Humans have a desire to see successful people and projects fail.

For some years, I created that type of belittling, satirical commentary on my message board "ToledoTalk.com.":http://toledotalk.com/  My targets were mainly local politicians, who deserved scorn and disdain, and the other commenters who I disagreed with. 

I had no patience for lazy thinking, and I verbally scorched those types of comments. The threads got raucous at times. The political brawls were intellectually stimulating and fun. For a while. 

But then it got boring. It's easier to ankle-bite than it is to construct. In the physical world, I would prefer to hang around the constructors or the makers than the destroyers and whiners.
I still enjoy first person, opinionated writing, since that's why I created ToledoTalk.com, and I  create that type of content here.