h1. GitHub Commits h2. Grebe Dec 17, 2015 support logging in from the node.js client code * lib / API / Password.pm * lib / API / Mail.pm h2. Grebe Node.JS Client Dec 16, 2014 * js / dispatch.js * js / login.js * js / pageglobals.js * js / usercookies.js - *new* * js / showpost.js * js / stream.js * js / tags.js * js / search.js * js / relatedposts.js * js / showpostsource.js * views / newloginlink.hbs * views / partials / header.hbs * views / partials / homepageheader.hbs hr. hr. h1. Files to migrate to other sites h2. Grebe C *committed on Dec 5, 2014* * root / css / plainbanner.css * root / css / grebe.css * tmpl / inc_plainbanner.tmpl hr. h2. Grebe B *committed on Dec 4, 2014* * root / css / plainbanner.css * tmpl / homepageheader.tmpl * tmpl / inc_banner.tmpl * tmpl / inc_nobanner.tmpl * tmpl / inc_plainbanner.tmpl hr. h2. Grebe A *Committed on Dec 4, 2014* * tmpl / header.tmpl * tmpl / inc_streamloop.tmpl * root / css / grebe.css * lib / API / Stream.pm * lib / API / GetPost.pm hr. h2. Grebe installs *committed on Dec 2, 2014* +tmpl+ * inc_headernav.tmpl ** * header.tmpl ** * homepageheader.tmpl ** * inc_streamloop.tmpl ** * inc_post.tmpl ** +root / css+ * grebe.css ** +lib / Client+ * ShowPost.pm *** ** = changes applied to toledowinter.com *** = changes applied to maketoledo.com, birdbrainsbrewing.com, and toledowinter.com h2. Create README.md files for * ForecastIO-Plus-Yo * Grebe #todo