what a shock, Toledo mayor Collins lies to the public From the Blade story: q. As a councilman, Mr. Collins had a history of opposing so-called “double-dipping” but soon after his election, the mayor *retreated from a promise* not to hire city retirees. Mayor Collins said he needed to hire experienced officials such as Mr. Reinbolt and retired Public Service Director William Franklin, 61, to lead that same department again, *but they would mentor younger officials who would move up in a year.* With a year down, the mayor said he has *no intention* of removing his chief of staff or public service director. q.. !https://badbooksgoodtimes.files.wordpress.com/2014/11/fight-club-jacks-complete-lack-of-surprise.gif! br. I wonder how it's going with the rest of the "Collins campaign promises":http://dmichaelcollins.com/platform : *Cut Taxes* * Place before the voters the opportunity to eliminate the temporary income tax of .75% * Place before the voters a permanent income tax of 2.20%. This will save our citizens $3.4 million per year * Utilize Capital Improvement dollars to restore streets, not for operating expenses I think that last bullet point got kiboshed last year, but I'm not positive. More Collins campaign promises: *Cut City Budget and Executive Positions* _Save $15 million while maintaining service levels in the neighborhoods_ * Cut Mayor’s staff by 30% * Cut all other executive positions by 20% * Cut water/sewer operating budget by 10% * Implement performance based budgeting * Process payroll internally * Restructure the Utilities, Service and Parks/Recreation departments, utilizing best practice examples from other cities, and create a Department of Public Works with a flattened management structure #toledo #politics #moronism