feb 1 2015 weather At 7:00 a.m., I measured 1.75 inches of snow accumulation since it began in West Toledo shortly after Midnight. This snowfall forecast image issued by the Detroit/Pontiac NWS early this morning shows the the Toledo area receiving between 8 and 15 inches of snowfall. The best chance for the most snow has shifted to the north and west of Toledo. !https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8617/16418230105_1281f538f7_b.jpg! br. Radar shows a large area of little to no snow over Indiana and western Ohio. I don't know if that will reach us this morning. !https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7437/16392319216_c6775a5af7_b.jpg! !https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7400/16230636468_e6b78a2711_o.gif! br. The Det/Pon NWS said: q. Peak snowfall intensity between 5 pm and 2 am. q.. Cle NWS said: q. the heaviest snow will occur from this afternoon through through midnight. q.. #toledo #weather