2015 Toledo Street-improvement Program Mar 12, 2015 - Toledo Blade - "City street upgrades focus on main roads":http://www.toledoblade.com/Politics/2015/03/12/City-street-upgrades-focus-on-main-roads.html - _Not all districts happy with plan_ q. As expected, Toledo’s 2015 street-improvement program concentrates on main roadways, according to a *list of streets to be fixed* released by the Hicks-Hudson administration. q.. Neither the Blade story nor the "city of Toledo website":http://toledo.oh.gov/ contains the list of streets to be fixed. br. Some numbers from the Blade story: * 41.64 total miles of roads planned to be repaired ** 30.12 miles of commercial roadways, costing Toledo $7.8 million from the capital improvements budget ** 11.52 miles of residential streets, costing Toledo $4.58 million from the city's _"street, construction, maintenance and repair"_ fund br. Miles of roads earmarked to be fixed for each district: * District 1 : 1.82 * District 2 : 12.72 * District 3 : 10.29 * District 4 : 12.82 * District 5 : 1.87 * District 6 : 2.12