Black Cloister visit on Sun, Mar 15, 2015 ! 320x320! br. Limited selection tonight. More should be available after they officially open. The Irish-style Red was good, but I thought that the Belgian-style Blonde was excellent. Version 2 of the blonde will have an ABV of 7.5%. ! 320x320! br. We sat at the bar with its hammered-metal and riveted surface. The shelves of merchandise were made of welded steel and wood. A nice industrial look. ! 320x320! br. ! 320x320! br. ! 320x320! br. ! 320x320! br. ! 320x320! br. Owner Tom gave tours. These fermenters were working hard. They may grow hops in the small atrium. ! 320x320! br. Oh, no TVs. I don't think anybody cared. hr. (my proposed tt comment) I referenced the no-television-set banter that "occurred": earlier in this thread. q. 1) the owner mentioned that they will have no TV's in the *bar* area so that *people are encouraged to talk to one another* and because they don't want to compete with sports bars. q.. First, the Black Cloister is not a bar. It's a taproom. They will only sell the beer that they brew in their building, which may only be a handful of options. That's okay. Focus on doing a few things well. In my opinion, TV sets on the walls would disrupt the architecture. The sets would seem out of place. The Black Cloister is unique to Toledo, so it should continue that uniqueness by not hanging TV sets.