h1. Making Matzo Bread "'matzo' search results":http://jothut.com/cgi-bin/junco.pl/search/matzo On two occasions in early April 2015, I made my matzo bread for the first time. Super thin, crispy "bread" slightly larger than a saucer plate. On my first attempt, I used 100% all-purpose flour. For batch number two, I used 100% white whole wheat flour. For batch number three, I pulverized spelt berries or kernels in our Vitamix. I used 100% spelt flour for this batch. I liked the white whole wheat version the best thus far. I would like try milled spelt, rye, and red whole wheat versions. *White Whole Flour* * 150 g www * 100 g water Mix the two ingredients into a ball, kneading for a couple minutes. Divide ball in half multiple times until 8 pieces. Then round each piece into a ball. Flatten and roll out each dough ball into a paper-thin disk