# Installing Grebe markdown=yes Instructions as of July 30, 2014. Documenting the steps, which will lead to additional programming changes to make it simpler. These instructions include creating a subdomain, Nginx server block, and setting up MySql. Some of this info may be split out into another file. ## Edit DNS With the hosting provider, add DNS information, if necessary. Create a CNAME record if installing the code under a subdomain. `grebe CNAME @` May have to wait a while before DNS updates in order to use the new subdomain website. ## Edit Nginx Config Log onto remote server. Change to user `root` or use `sudo` ahead of each command. Change directory to web server config area. This example uses the Nginx web server, and it assumes that FastCGI has been installed. `cd /etc/nginx` Need to create a server block config file to support Grebe. > *"VirtualHost" is an Apache term. Nginx does not have Virtual hosts, it has "Server Blocks" that use the server_name and listen directives to bind to tcp sockets.* This is an example of using Grebe under a subdomain. `cd sites-available` `vim grebe.yourdomain.com` add the following lines and save the file: ######## # GREBE ######## server { listen 80; server_name grebe.yourdomain.com; location ~ ^/(css/|javascript/|images/) { root /home/grebe/Grebe/root; access_log off; expires max; } location /api/v1 { root /home/grebe/Grebe/root/api/v1; index grebeapi.pl; rewrite ^/(.*)$ /grebeapi.pl?query=$1 break; fastcgi_pass; fastcgi_index grebeapi.pl; fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name; include fastcgi_params; } location / { root /home/grebe/Grebe/root; index grebe.pl; rewrite ^/(.*)$ /grebe.pl?query=$1 break; fastcgi_pass; fastcgi_index grebe.pl; fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name; include fastcgi_params; } } Create a link to the new Nginx server block file. `ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/grebe.yourdomain.com /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/` Restart Nginx. `/etc/init.d/nginx restart` ## Unpack Grebe Create a home directory for Grebe. `mkdir /home/grebe` Change to Grebe directory. `cd /home/grebe` Create directories that will host markup and HTML template files that represent the posts created. These directories exist outside of document root, but they are used by the Grebe code. `mkdir posts` `mkdir markup` Within the `/home/grebe` directory, download or copy over the gzipped tar file that contains the Grebe code, and unpack it. Example file: `Grebe-29Jul2014.tar.gz` Unpack in two steps: `gunzip Grebe-29Jul2014.tar.gz` `tar -xvf Grebe-29Jul2014.tar` Or unpack in one step: `tar -zxvf Grebe-29Jul2014.tar.gz` The unpacking creates a directory called `Grebe`. ## Change File Permissions Change ownership of all contents under the Grebe directory to the owner (username) and group that Nginx operates under. `chown - R owner:group Grebe` While in `/home/grebe` change directory to `Grebe`. `cd Grebe` ## View Directory Structure For curiosity sake, show a listing of all files and subdirectories under Grebe: `ls -lR` The directory structure under Grebe: - lib -- API -- Client -- Config -- CPAN --- Algorithm --- HTML --- JSON --- REST --- Text --- URI ---- Escape --- XML --- YAML -- JRS - nginx - root -- api --- v1 -- css -- images -- javascript --- splitscreen - sql - t - tmpl - yaml ## Edit Perl Scripts While at `/home/grebe/Grebe`, change to the web root directory. `cd root` Edit the small file `grebe.pl`. Here is the entire file. Ensure of the proper directory structures after the `lib` commands. #!/usr/bin/perl -wT use strict; $|++; use lib '/home/grebe/Grebe/lib'; use lib '/home/grebe/Grebe/lib/CPAN'; use Client::Dispatch; Client::Dispatch::execute(); While in `/home/grebe/Grebe/root`, change directory to the version one API directory. Since we're under the web root directory for the Nginx web server, this directory is part of the API URL. `cd api/v1` Edit the small file `grebeapi.pl`. Here is the entire file. Ensure of the proper directory structures after the `lib` commands. #!/usr/bin/perl -wT use strict; $|++; use lib '/home/grebe/Grebe/lib'; use lib '/home/grebe/Grebe/lib/CPAN'; use API::DispatchAPI; API::DispatchAPI::execute(); ## Setup MySQL Change to the directory that contains the database files. `cd /home/grebe/Grebe/sql` This assumes that MySQL is installed. Create a new database and database user for Grebe. If planning to use an existing database, then skip these steps. Enter this command to get into the mysql command line interface: (it will ask for the root password) `mysql -uroot -p` At the `mysql>` prompt, enter the following commands, one at a time: `create database grebe;` `create user 'grebe'@'localhost' identified by 'set_your_password_here';` `grant all privileges on grebe.* to 'grebe'@'localhost';` `flush privileges;` `quit;` Create the Grebe database tables. `mysql -ugrebe -pyourpassword -D grebe < grebe-users.sql` `mysql -ugrebe -pyourpassword -D grebe < grebe-posts.sql` `mysql -ugrebe -pyourpassword -D grebe < grebe-tags.sql` `mysql -ugrebe -pyourpassword -D grebe < grebe-sessionids.sql` ## Edit Grebe Configuration Change directory to the location of the Config module. `cd /home/grebe/Grebe/lib/Config` Edit `Config.pm` and make the appropriate directory location change for the variable `$yml_file` which points to the location of the Yaml configuration file. `my $yml_file = "/home/grebe/Grebe/yaml/grebe.yml";` Change directory to the Yaml config file location. `cd /home/grebe/Grebe/yaml` Edit the file `grebe.yml` and make the appropriate changes. For testing, enable debug mode. `debug_mode: 1` Debug mode will send the password to the screen for account creation and requesting new password. If using the no-password-login feature, then the login activation link will be displayed in the browser and not emailed. If `read_template: 1`, then the following files need linked from the `Grebe/tmpl` directory to the `posts` directory. `ln -s /home/grebe/Grebe/tmpl/header.tmpl /home/grebe/posts` `ln -s /home/grebe/Grebe/tmpl/inc_headernav.tmpl /home/grebe/posts` `ln -s /home/grebe/Grebe/tmpl/footer.tmpl /home/grebe/posts` ## Access Site Open web browser and enter the following URL: `http://grebe.yourname.com` The site or blog app should load, displaying the default image header and other links. Create a user account: `http://grebe.yourname.com/signup` Login: `http://grebe.yourname.com/login` ## To-do * provide info for using MailGun to send e-mails for creating accounts and for using the no-password-login feature.