Resolved - Add embed github code *update 24sep2013:* applies to gist code. post: Sample gist embed code: code. code.. July 2008 github blog "post.": *update 24sep2013:* enabled the embed of gist code snippets. the gist page provides a the HTML to embed a code snippet. the HTML is surrounded by script tags. for use with junco/jothut, copy only the part of the url that contains the gist/github's username and the id of the gist. For the above example, it would be: g ist=adactio/6575229.js which produces: gist=adactio/6575229.js hr. I think this is possible. Embed code with syntax highlighting that resides at github. See example of usage at: If this is not what I'm thinking, then ignore it. #resolved #junco