h1. Facebook Instant Articles - May 2015 * http://techcrunch.com/2015/05/12/facebook-instant-articles/ * https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=9536807 * http://instantarticles.fb.com/ * "video":https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ulamadgpn8qmthl/AADwvF0zOFyYs1-YJev30cYua/Product%20Video?dl=0#lh:null-Facebook%20Instant%20Articles%20Product%20Video.mov This could be a reason why Facebook will rule the media landscape too. Snapchat's _Discover_ is interesting, but the service does not have the reach of Facebook. And I don't know what Twitter can do beyond the breaking news and discussion format that has been its forte for years. Forget about the concerns by many media people and tech geeks, if the general audience enjoys _Instant Articles,_ then the feature will expand to more publishers who won't have much of a choice but follow. The media industry, especially the newspaper industry, brought this upon themselves with their failure to adapt and innovate. _Instant Articles_ is only a mobile app. I'm unsure why it would exist in any other format. I still have a Facebook account that I rarely access. I was about to delete my account a few weeks ago, but I kept around because of the forthcoming _Instant Articles_ feature. I installed the Snapchat app strictly for their _Discover_ media feature. I do not, however, have the Facebook app installed on my iPhone. I'm guessing that most users access Facebook on their phones, and most phone access is through the Facebook app. Many media websites see most of their traffic now coming from mobile devices: tablets and phones. But most of the mobile traffic is from phones. It makes sense that _Instant Articles_ starts as a phone app. It might also be a tablet app. But what would be the point of supporting mobile web and desktop/laptop web? Naturally, most of the geeks posting in the HN thread are bothered by Facebook and _Instant Articles._ Simple solution: don't use the site. Harder solution: create something better. Easiest of all solutions: whine. #mobile - #app - #media - #socialmedia