h1. Fri, May 15, 2015 bird observations Around our home and in our neighborhood. It has been a fine day for migrating bird song both for variety and numbers. Around 3:25 p.m., a WCSP and a MAWA were perched in the middle oval crunchberry shrub in my same field of view of my binoculars. And three GRCA were in our backyard. I saw a thrush in our flower beds, but I could not get the binocs on it in time. Male BT Blue Warbler sang in our backyard shrubs. Heard multiple Blackburnian and TEWA. Heard EAWP and Least Flycatcher. Heard BAOR and RBGR. Warblers other birds observed around our home and during my exercise walk: Red-eyed Vireo Bay-breasted Chestnut-sided Yellow-rumped Northern Parula American Redstart Blackpoll I did not hear a Pine Siskin today after hearing them for three straight days in our neighborhood. A couple days ago, I head and saw a Red-winged Blackbird in the oaks a few blocks from our home. A bit of an odd sighting. At 4:01 p.m., I saw a WTSP on our west spirea flower bed, and a GRCA meowed and then sang. #home #bird