h1. Carty may run for mayor again in 2015 http://toledotalk.com/cgi-bin/tt.pl/article/191178/18May2015/Carty_AGAIN http://www.toledoblade.com/Politics/2015/05/18/Former-Toledo-Mayor-Carty-Finkbeiner-thinking-about-running-for-old-job.html my may 19, 2015 tt comments bq. _"give me specific examples"_ You can spend hours looking through the archives at Toledo Talk. The man is classless. He mistreats people, both staff and private citizens. But his rampages are hilarious. He provides great comedic fodder. He's not boring. Oh worst of all, he liked to cook his dog Scout in a vehicle. My dog Barney has already said that he won't vote for Czarty. According to the Toledo City Paper 'Best of Toledo' reader surveys, Czarty was/is the most hated AND the most loved local official. Carty has many fans or people looking for money handouts. FOC = Friends of Carty. This is awesome news that Uncle Carty is returning to the political election fray if you are an editorial cartoonist. Kirk at The Blade must be ecstatic. It will be funny from now to the November election. It's only sad if he wins. But if that's what the 25-percent voter turnout wants, then it's all good. Maybe Czarty will run as an independent. During his political career, I think that he's run as a republican, democrat, and an independent. If Czarty can attract the all-important votes from the worst-named group of people, millennials, then Mr. Czarty may win a 4th term. The question that I have is, does it truly matter what carbon blob is mayor of Toledo? hr. If you need more info about Carty, try to acquire a copy of the pathetically humorous book titled "The Little Book of Carty,":http://www.amazon.com/Little-Book-Carty-Compiler-Murray/dp/0977068145 published in 2008 by the Toledo Blade. Carty has made some fascinating wackadoo comments over the years. It seems that his verbal abuse of others is legendary. Even Little Caesars Pizza franchises in Toledo changed the name of their Crazy Bread to Carty Bread. !http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41562jVZS0L._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg! hr. bq. _"Libertarians like Brian Wilson disliked him (putting it midly). Statists like Fred at WSPD base much of their advertiseing on whipping the dead horse of Carty Finkbeiner."_ At one time, WSPD loved Carty. That was back in December 2004 when Jack Ford was mayor, and it was assumed that Carty would run for mayor in 2005. December 2004 - "Carty Finkbeiner lovefest":http://www.toledotalk.com/cgi-bin/comments.pl/16/865 : q. This week on the Finkbeiner Radio Network formerly known as WSPD, Carty discussed how to take Toledo to the promise land. And it seems a lot of people bought into Carty's snake oil sales pitch. It's amazing how easily some people can be duped. Time doesn't heal wounds as much as it makes people stupid because they forget. In past Toledo City Paper's Best OFs, Carty has been voted a local hero, a local zero, and most embarrassing. q.. br. In late June 2005, Carty officially "announced":http://www.toledotalk.com/cgi-bin/comments.pl/16/1233 that he would run for mayor again. "From":http://toledotalk.com/cgi-bin/tt.pl/article/39090/Carty_announces_run_for_mayor_-_4_years_ago_today the June 2005 Toledo Blade "story":http://www.toledoblade.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=%2F20050630%2FBREAKINGNEWS%2F50630062 about Carty running for mayor: q. Saying that Toledo needs leadership more willing to embrace the business community, Mr. Finkbeiner spoke of diversifying Toledo’s industrial base, working with local universities to create a local technology sector, and creating an automotive research and development “triangle” between Toledo, Detroit and Ann Arbor to spur job growth. Mr. Finkbeiner, noted for a highly emotive leadership style that could sometimes create tension, said he would be “patient and more disciplined in my emotion. That would be in my best interest,” though he added that his drive — which he admitted could be a “pain in the butt for everyone around” — was what it took to “move mountains.” q.. br. Excerpts from a January 2005 "column":http://www.toledoblade.com/Opinion/2005/01/23/Explaining-Carty-to-a-Finkbeiner.html by Roberta de Boer: q. Carty was once a Republican. Then he was a Democrat. Then an Independent. We haven’t heard anything about the Green or Libertarian parties, but anything’s possible. For now, he’s the leader of the *Carty Party.* Carty is a whirlwind always in motion, and folks mistake that for accomplishment. Also, as people here are fond of reminding one another, Carty’s the biggest cheerleader this city ever had, which sounds swell until you realize how this can also be the express route to a *state of delusion.* Carty is a wildly popular form of *Toledo entertainment.* We love him/hate him in equal measure, and can’t wait/can’t bear for him to run again for mayor. q.. br. "Carty Finkbeiner's 2005 Mayoral Campaign Promises":http://toledotalk.com/cgi-bin/tt.pl/article/16448/Carty_Finkbeiners_2005_Mayoral_Campaign_Promises br. Allegedly, Carty did not run for mayor in 2009 because he promised his wife back in 2004 or 2005 that he would only run for one term. Yeah right. If true, that info would have leaked out years before 2009. In the fall of 2008, Carty's "approval rating":http://toledotalk.com/cgi-bin/tt.pl/article/24828/Carty_Finkbeiners_approval_rating_is_17_percent was *17 percent.* I think that played into his decision not run for mayor in 2009. hr. !http://farm1.static.flickr.com/114/316728248_c39de8c44c_m.jpg! !http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3152/2625481033_7c1c2c015c_o.jpg! !http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1218/1403745965_dd516af9f4_m.jpg! #toledo #politics #humor #moronism #history